Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Secret Place

For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.   Colossians 3:3

For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion (tent), in the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me, He shall set me up on a rock.
Psalms 27:5

What beautiful words that fill my soul with liquid love from God's heart to mine and gives me sweet peace in the presence of God.  I am hidden in Him.  My physical body can be surrounded by total chaos and trouble, but my spirit is hiding in the secret place where perfect love abides.  I can only hear the sweetness of a heavenly sound that is not of this earth realm when I'm wrapped in His presence.

In times of trouble my feet are steadied by the promise from God that He has hidden me in the secret place that no trouble can reach, because it's His secret place.  This place is hidden from the world and no devil or trouble can access it for access is only granted to those who are God's legal sons and daughters.  No illegitimate spirits or people can stand in this place because it abides within Him.

I will give you perfect peace, those whose minds are stayed on Me, says the Lord.  Elevate your thoughts into the realm of God; far away from the drama and turmoil of this fleshly realm. 

Most people think that we are being too heavenly minded to be any earthly good, but the opposite happens when we are hidden in Christ.  We receive an honest view of the things that are occurring around us and revelations from Jesus on what to avoid.  Picture a maze for instance.  From the ground a maze is difficult to maneuver because we can't  see the blockages or the exit point, but from an aerial view we can see the full maze, from every blockage to the entrance and exit.  When we  are hidden in Christ we see things from an aerial view and this is called "godly wisdom."  You can't get this wisdom from the world because it is only attained from God.

Sit with still with Him and receive His love, peace and wisdom from spending time in His secret place.  Worship.  There is no other place on earth or in the entire universe that compares to being hidden with Christ in His secret place.  

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