But while he thought about these things, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 1:20
God places within each of us who are born again and are filled with the Holy Spirit and His anointing to move in the realm of the Spirit. We may have the same gift, but we may operate differently. There may be two evangelists, but one may operate in the gift of healing and the other may operate in the spirit of prophesy. God will send one to the inner city streets and the other to the nations. Here lies the problem; some will criticize the one sent to the nations that they don't need to go overseas, because cities like Chicago need them more because of the violence there. But, God didn't anoint nor lead them to Chicago, His assignment for them is where He is incoming them to go. Most people will not recognize that the desire or call that has been placed deep within your heart has been conceived by the Holy Spirit.
They will try to identify your call or office gift based on the call of others or themselves, but you know that God has spoken to you during the watches of the night and has put His stamp of approval on the very thing that others might think is not legitimate or necessary, but it was conceived by the Holy Spirit . They will say, "it makes no sense" or "why are you doing this it that," not understanding that you have been programmed by the Holy Spirit to do something that makes no sense to others.
No one could understand Joseph for taking Mary, but he received a word from an angel to take her as his wife. He obeyed the command and pleased God. We too, must obey the call of God in our lives, whether we receive it in a dream or the promptings of the Lord. Some people are in Churches that hinder God's supernatural move and power of healing, signs and wonders, but if you have received His gifts then move in them.
God will place into some of you an assignment that looks nothing like other people's assignment and they will try to define your office gift by what they think you should look like, but if you have received a confirmation from God, you better go with God. Now, I'm assuming that I am speaking to spiritually and mentally sound people, who are not hearing alien voices or the voice of a familiar spirit. I am referring to mentally healthy and spirit filled people who know the voice of the true and living God.
What did God anoint you to do? Do it!
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