Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Secured in Christ

I want to share a conversation, but to protect the innocent, all names have been changed to numbers. This conversation took place at 5:12 a.m. this morning.

Believer 1
Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
(Luke 22:31,32 HCSB)

Two things I found interesting when reading this passage this morning:
1. It says Satan "asked" if he could go against Peter, much like with Job, indicating he can't attack us without permission.

2. If Jesus had not prayed for Peter, would he have turned back after denying Jesus or do you think he would have been riddled with guilt and committed suicide like Judas?

Believer 2
I think he would have committed suicide. Jesus told Judas to go on and do his thing, but he told Peter he has prayed for him. Peter belonged to Jesus and Judas didn't. In the Book of John; Jesus prayed to Father that none had been taken out of his hand except the son of perdition...deep! Judas was the son of Satan and Peter was God's son.

Believer 3
I don't think he would've killed himself. I think the prayer for strength was to show Peter the love God still has for us even after major mistakes and that we are forgiven. Peter was always so quick to react without thought. He answered that Jesus was the Son of God without thought. He swung the sword without thought. He ran into the tomb after the resurrection without thought. After Jesus death he went back to fishing without thought.

I think had Jesus not prayed for him, he would have left the faith assuming he was unworthy to spread the Gospel. Jesus needed him to be strong to build His Church.

Believer 2
I agree with all you have said except, I think he would have destroyed himself without thought. He was in complete despair because of his betrayal, but was kept because Jesus covered him in prayer. Guilt, condemnation and despair are three components that people often commit suicide over. Of course, this is my opinion.

Believer 1
See, that's what I was thinking. Since Peter was always so quick to act, I think he would have committed suicide seeing no other way around the guilt...much like Satan and the fallen angels, he and Judas both walked with God. Without God's covering, how can someone be redeemed once they have turned away?

Believer 3
Yes, that's all highly likely. I think I inadvertently agreed in my original comment.

Believer 2
Peter thought he was totally sold out to Jesus and he even said to Jesus face that he would never deny him and when he did and heard the rooster, I think he was shocked because he had been forewarned.

Have you ever thought you would never do something and then fail? It totally trips you out. That's when God steps in and restores us. His grace and mercy covers us

Believer 1
That's true. Judas and Peter are examples of what happens when are under His grace and when we are not. No matter how strong we think we are, it is evident we will always fall short without His grace.

End of texts

Note: Believer 4
There was a forth person in this text and Believer 4 woke up a few hours later and read the texts and responded how it was an excellent conversation.

Remember, people of God...Jesus is our Advocate and He goes before us with a prayer covering. He has prayed for you and for your success. Believe the Word of God. No one can take us out of Jesus hand, no one but you. Hold strong to the faith that was placed in you and go strong in this season!

I have shared this personal conversation to encourage those of you who wake up in the mornings with worry on your mind. Wake up with the word of God on your mind and ponder the things that will bring you strength for the day. As a minister, my mind must be filled with the things of God. Yes, I ponder the scriptures or meditate on them first thing in the morning. First things, first. God receives the first thoughts of my day. We can and should control what our mind will ponder or meditate on. Go to sleep on spiritual things and you will wake up on spiritual things. End your day with strong Believers and begin your day the same way. Please don't start your day with negative people for they will drain you like a sponge. Strengthen yourself, then you can lift them up. Flight Attendants will tell you in the instructions before the airplane take off, that in the event of an emergency, securely place the oxygen mask on your face first and then place it on someone else. You have to be connected to the life source of air before you can help someone else. God is your life source and the things relating to God feeds your spirit man. Beware of distractions and unbelief in others and please, check the people that you communicate with.

I leave you with this familiar saying that is true, "if you are going to worry; don't pray and if you are going to pray; don't worry."

1 comment:

  1. Look, here Apostle you need stay out of my conversation I had with my case worker today. She was asking did I feel like giving up and I told her No, because I can do all thing through Christ who strengthen me; It just motivate me.
