Wednesday, April 2, 2014

in Tough Times; Your Light Gets Brighter

From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take. 1 Chronicles 12:32

Those who are graced with the gift of the Spirit, understand the times in which we live. There are men and women who fully understand the timing of God and the seasons in which we are in. These men and women have been given wisdom from God to discern were we are in history and what God is doing on the earth concerning the affairs of man.

The month of April came in with a bang, with an 8.2 earthquake that shook the country of Chile in South America. Tsunami warnings were activated and the Chilean people ran in fear to higher ground. Many people are wondering if the earthquake in California, which was a 5.0, has any relationship with the Chile earthquake. The answer was no, because they are on different fault lines, although they are both a part of the ring of fire. A News reporter asked, "what's going on with all these earthquakes?" Poor thing didn't know that these are part of the end of the age shakings and birthpangs of the creation, for the rising of the sons of God. Increased earthquakes in different places were prophesized by Jesus to be one of the signs of the end of the age.

Another sign will be signs in the heavens and NASA has reported that on April 14, we will see the first of four eclispes of the moon. This moon tetrad (which NASA named them) will fall on the Holy Days, beginning with Passover 2014 and 2015. Passover is the first of the Holy Days that God told the children of Israel to keep in all their generations in the Old Testament and all these days point to Jesus. We are also seeing an increase of comets and space matter stream and fall across the sky worldwide. Incredible and powerful storms are reported across the globe from cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes. Incredible lightning strikes put on extravagant shows across the skies.

We have seen signs in the seas, with sea foam, water sprouts and tsunamis, as the sea waves roar and move toward the land; being activated by earthquakes or the moon. Volcanos are waking up globally, one at a time to spew it's powerful fire and brimstone into the air. Pray that Yellowstone Park, which sits on a volcano, remains quiet although, there was seismic activity reported there as well.

Animals are dying and disappearing off the planet from the air, land and sea. Sea animals are dying and beaching themselves; oftentimes dying on the shores right in front of vacationers who frantically try to save them, birds and bats are falling from the skies and land species are dying from no apparent causes. Even honey bees are disappearing.

The trees are sick as they can be. I have never seen so many sick trees and people are sick from the dirty poison in the air, mold and bacteria are killing us. Many are sick and dying from poisoned, polluted water and tainted foods. Humans who don't know God are sinking to an all time low in thinking of evil acts against others. Many are trying to cope with what they are seeing and sensing with alcohol, drugs and depression medicines. These situations on the earth are signs that the Church need to be about preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to a broken world. But, how can we fix others if we are so focused on our own issues. Many in the Church are focused on our personal issues and can't even pray for those who don't have what we have. But, there is a remnant who are fully aware of what time we are living in and have prepared themselves for this very hour and that which is to come.

When things get though, the tough get going! It is time for the Church to rise up and move by the Spirit of God to operate in the ministry of Jesus Christ. It is time to decree and declare the Word of God, the goodness of God and to operate in the power of God. The world will know us by our fruit; where there is fear on the earth, we operate in the fruit of peace from Heaven. Where there is worry, we operate in faith! We don't become overwhelmed by sickness, but in healing. Many pride themselves because they are exercising, eating correctly and drinking water, without realizing that we are still breathing in poisoned air, poisoned water and food. Vegetables are shot up with pesticides, so you better bless your food before consuming it. Corrupt companies use plain tap water and bottle it to sell in the stores and unsuspecting people buy it thinking it is better than the tap water in their own homes. We live in a time of great deception and lies from dishonest companies who are greedy for money. I wouldn't eat anything without blessing it first. But, be assured, God has a word for His people and that is to trust in Him in these trying times.

God is not a man that He should lie and we are admonished to trust Him. Serve Him and Him only and believe that He is here for us. He sends His angels to assist us in whatever assignment we are being led to do. Seek peace and pursue it. I love those words. In other words, go after peace and hold on to it. That will put you a cut above the rest, because we live in a stressful world at a stressful time. Read Psalms 91 and live by it. Believe the Word and prosper! Believe me, in tough times, your light gets brighter! You shine under pressure and the world will run to your light. Get ready to be able to give an answer for the truth that lies within you. Stay plugged into God, who is our life source and you will shine in this darkened world. Be blessed as you continue to overcome the enemy with the Blood of the Lamb and the power of YOUR testimony.


  1. Evangelist Teresa BundyApril 2, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    Excellent my sister! I pray that everyone will read this and catch the vision..We need to be about our Father's business. ..We must work while it is day! Love you more!
