My appeal to you is to prove yourselves worthy of being called Christians, even though what I'm telling you has put me in jail. Ephesians 4:1
Paul's letter to the Ephesian Church was to encourage them to walk worthy of their call despite the cost, because he knew there is a cost to carry the Cross. Even while he suffered much persecution at the hands of those who wanted to stop his testimony of Jesus Christ, Paul considered it a privilege to suffer for the one he came to know intimately. Paul wrote of his sufferings, even going to jail for the cost of the Cross. Yet he wrote so beautifully, "for in Him we live and move and have our being" as the conviction of his faith becomes evident to those of his day and for us today. He was totally sold out for Christ and his faith was intact, no matter the cost and we applaud him for his bravery to continue to serve God even in the face of death. Paul's persecutors were the religious men of his time, but what about those who suffer daily in the Church today?
I write this blog to the courageous men and women who come to Church every week under siege of a tyrant. Not a political tyrant or dictator, but those who live with an cruel spouse and parent or an intolerant spouse who refuses to allow them to practice their love for God in peace. There are many who suffer persecution and verbal abuse right up under our noses, as they come into the House of the Lord on Sundays, with invisible scars on their hearts from wicked family members. I write to those who come to church week after week, trying to cover the tears in their eyes from insults, anger or hurt in their heart from those they love. They sit besides us and hunger for more of the Lord as they wait to be filled with a greater anointing to carry on. They come to Church relieved to be with those who are lovers of God as they are. It bring strength, peace and hope to their seemingly hopeless situation to be with other Believers and they find rest in the House of God. Nobody knows that they live in a prison without physical bars, invisible to the naked eye, but it is a real jail, for the one who imprison them is someone they love, even though that love is not reciprocated.
I have heard the insults from well meaning, but ignorant ministers state that if a woman's husband does not serve God, that it is somehow the fault of the wife. I have heard Leaders (men and women) say that these women are doing something wrong because their husbands are not saved or are lukewarm. I have seen the hurt and guilt on these women who have been falsely accused and the shame of being alone and married in the Church. How dare a leader put this ungodly twist on women who love the Lord. This is not Biblical, for the word states that the chaste behavior of the wife will win the husband over. There is no time frame on this victory. It may possibly take decades or right before the spouse depart his earthly house, that he may come to his senses and see what a jewel he has. Many have come to the Lord by witnessing the love that has been poured on them by their believing wife, despite of the afflictions and persecution they have sent their wives and family through. I have heard men speak of their godly ex-wife and how they didn't understand or appreciate what God had given them as they ran and chased after worldly women, for sin was pleasurable to them. In due season these men realized that they had made a terrible mistake. We must counsel broken men, women and children with wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
I write to the women who labor in ministry for Christ, who come to Church, worship and minister from a place of no support from their mates. You have counted the cost of the walk and persevered through the storms of rejection, abandonment and isolation. You have smiled even when your heart was heavy, because you know your God. You have understood that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. You have realized that God will give you beauty for ashes and that He will restore the years the locust have stolen from you. You have learned to love the unlovable and you know that you stand in the secret place where God is. You breath Jesus! This has been your immediate reward in life and few understand how you do it, but you have fought the good fight, you have kept the faith and have endured through the storms of life because of your immeasurable love for Jesus and your love for His people. You delight yourself in Him and desire more of Him. You find yourself desiring to be caught away with Him, for time does not matter when you are with the one you love. His Word is your spiritual spinach as you sing psalms of love; a new song to your Beloved. You are made strong as you wait for Him and He comes through beautifully as He renews your spirit in praise and worship. He receives your praise with great joy and as His joy and your joy unite, you realize that you have been filled again. You have understood that there is no place for whining and no time for complaints as Kingdom women, for we know that those who thirst and hunger for God shall be filled.
You end your time with God and go and fix the family's meal, pick up the kids, clean the house or go to work; preach the gospel, heal the sick, set free and deliver those who are in bondage and touch the lost with a new pep in you step, for you have been filled up and recharged by the Holy Spirit.
There is a cost to the Cross. What will it cost you? Everything! Amen