Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I want to thank Kingdom Minded Ministries of Boston, Massachusetts for their kind and generous spirit of hospitality toward me. I totally enjoyed the fellowship, the down time and the ministry that went forth to glorify God. I bless God for those who were blessed by the Word and were transformed because they could see Jesus. You Bostonians sure know how to treat your guests.

During the Saturday night gathering, I was so impressed with the young adults as the musicians and singers came together and praised God. They not only gave God glory, but they were having a great time doing it. While so many of the youth of today spend their lives getting high and wasted on alcohol and drugs, these young people came together to celebrate Jesus. It doesn't matter where the Body of Christ gathers, it is as if we have known one another forever. Two of us came from Tennessee and gathered with our sisters and brothers of Boston and we had a ball. God was glorified and we were satisfied with the spirit of gladness as love flowed between us.

Jesus spoke of the world knowing that we belong to Him, if we have love for each other. No matter where we go, the same Spirit is evident because God's love prevails in our heart and we are able to discern our kinship through the Lord's grace. We grasp our oneness by the precious love of Jesus that is spead abroad in our hearts. We realize that we are citizens of another kingdom; not a kingdom with it's headquarters on this earth that can be seen, but as citizens of the unseen Kingdom of Heaven, we unite as one under our Heavenly King. Our kingdom is within us on this earth; precious treasure hidden inside vessels made of earth, but is able to be seen by the naked eye through those who are in darkness and seeking for light. God desires to give us the best of the best, because we are royal residents of the invisible Kingdom.

Treasure the treasure within. It is truly precious and we must remind ourselves that we are humans who walk in the supernatural realm, because we serve a supernatural God.

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