We are in the glorious season of Pentecost (which means 50), a time of jubilee (you have been set free) and rejoicing for the Body of Christ. Many have struggled with issues in their lives, but now is the time to settle the matter...you are coming out of everything that has had you bound. As we get ready to celebrate and commemorate the precious Day of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the earth, be mindful that it is a day of P O W E R for God has entered humanity. There is nothing that you lack for the call on your life. It is finished!!!! Jesus finished the work and calls us to rest in Him. There is no striving in what we need to do for we have been given the power (strength, knowledge, wisdom and revelation) to finish the job. We have passed over (Passover) to receive greater power for the journey that is before us. No longer will we become entangled in Satan’s web for we have learned the strategies of the enemy.
It was the day that Joel had spoken of, that in the last days, God would pour His spirit out on all flesh and His children would prophesy and dream dreams! The Dunamis (power) of the Kingdom of God should be evident on the earth because the precious treasure of Heaven dwells in earthen vessels. We are filled with love, power and authority!
Rise up, suit up in your valiant armor of God and put on love and praise as you clothe yourself in humility as you ready yourself to display the glory of Heaven. No longer should you see yourself as a defeated warrior for the battle belongs to the Lord. Walk with the confidence that God will never leave you and will go before you to accomplish whatever you need to do. The time to arise and take position is NOW for you are equipped with power for the assignment. Be strong and vigilant…for your confidence is in the Lord.
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