Thursday, April 12, 2012

Go Forth and Feed His Sheep

This has been the greatest Passover and Resurrection I have ever experienced. As I was walking in a parking lot one day, I heard in my spirit, “I AM the Lifter Up of your head.” That was strange to me because I wasn’t going through anything and wondered why I heard those words from the Lord and then my phone began to ring for an entire week from ministers who were experiencing difficult times in their personal lives. Not sin issues, but personal issues that made life difficult. I thought of the walk we are called to in doing Kingdom work and I went to the Bible for the answer.

I began to read about the Apostle Peter, before he was an apostle. His journey to apostleship was difficult, to say the least, but it was also rewarding. He reminded me of some of the ministers I know and how God is working in their lives.
Peter was close to Jesus and walked in His inner circle, but he still had some “issues.” Jesus even allowed him the blessing of witnessing the Transfiguration with Moses, Elijah and Himself. The man, Peter, walked on water and nobody else in history has done that. However, there is another side of Peter, that we see as we study him and that is his insecurity, fear, (under pressure) rash and impulsive behavior that had to be rooted out.

Jesus asked His disciples, “who do people say that I am,” and they answered him, but then Jesus made it more personal and asked them who is He to them and Peter spoke under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with the revelation that Jesus was the Christ. When Jesus wanted to wash Peter’s feet, Peter rebuked Jesus and he probably thought that he was doing a noble thing, until Jesus rebuked Peter for not being mindful of the things of God. Mark 9:27-28, 32-33. We then see Peter, in the Garden of Gethsemane, drawing his sword and cutting off the High Priest servant’s ear and Jesus responded, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword…” Matthew 26:52. Again, it seemed like Peter had good intentions, but since he was an impetuous person, he was moved by his emotions and acted before he thought. Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed and Peter told Jesus that even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You! Well, we all know that he did deny Christ. He not only denied Jesus, he cursed the people out who told him that he was a disciple. When he thought of what Jesus prophesied about him, he wept bitterly. Matthew 26-34; 69-75.

The real heart sting came when Jesus was beaten and crucified on the Cross and all eleven disciples ran away and hid, except for John and the women, who stood by Jesus. Even bad to the bone, sword swinging, cursing Peter ran and hid. It’s wrong to lie, but I think Peter suffered emotionally when he thought of his betrayal of Jesus. Bold, impulsive Peter not only lied and ran away in fear, but he denied and betrayed the one he loved. Of course he did this in fear, but he is human and guilt began to flood his heart. How could I have denied my Lord? Of all the things I have ever done, this is unforgivable. I can feel his pain and I am sure he remembered before Jesus’ capture, the Word He gave Peter about his betrayal and that Satan had asked for him; to sift him like wheat. Jesus obviously gave Satan the okay knowing that Peter would be all the stronger when he had suffered these things and even told him that when he is strengthened; to strengthen his brethren.

Peter’s story reminds me of so many ministers I have met over the years. They started the race and ran well, but over a period of time, they began to lose heart because of mistakes and impulsive actions. Ministers and leaders are called, anointed, appointed and set apart, to do great things for the kingdom while dealing with inner emotional issues. Those who are anointed by God as leaders are not tolerated in their humanity. If they have issues, we really roast them. I am not speaking of sin issues, but emotional issues. We all have our human issues of inner fear, insecurity, worries, illnesses, envies, jealousies and reckless behavior, all the while preaching to others about walking in faith. It seems like an oxymoron that we preach what we are suffering. We preach great sermons because we identify with the subject matter. We have lived it and know what we are talking about. We preach even in our pain.

The most beautiful thing about Jesus is that when He resurrected, He told Mary to go and tell Peter. I believe that Jesus knew how Peter must have been going through so much pain and guilt, asking himself how he could have denied the Christ. I believe the powers of darkness were pouring on guilt and condemnation so thick that Peter couldn’t think right.

Jesus is truly the lifter up of our heads…oh, what a marvelous Savior we serve. His love is so awesome that He would think about His suffering servant and give His angel a message to tell Mary to tell His disciples and Peter that He would meet them in Galilee; what love. He is our Restorer and the Lifter up of our Heads. Peter heard these words from Mary’s mouth, but then Jesus made it personal when He sat with Peter as He looked at him and said, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these? Peter had done all he could to restore himself by jumping out of the boat and swam to shore to meet Jesus and even dragging the net to land, but I don’t think anything could have touched his heart more than Jesus personally asking him if he loved him. Peter denied Jesus three times, so Jesus asked him if He loved him three times. Jesus wanted to melt it into Peter’s heart that He still loved him and trusted him to feed His sheep and to tend His lambs. Jesus’ words restored and affirmed Peter that his relationship with Jesus was not broken and that he was still useful in the Potter’s hand. Peter became a powerful apostle after the Resurrection and did many miracles, because of Jesus’ love and affirmation of him.

Peter suffered the woulda, coulda, shoulda syndrome as many of us do when we mess up, but Jesus is there to strengthen us. I believe the encounter with the Resurrected Jesus asking Peter if he loved Him, melted his heart and also made him sorry that Jesus had to ask him three times. Jesus re-enforced to Peter that he had not lost ground in God’s sight. He was called to kingdom work and nothing had changed. Jesus’ love is so amazing, that His instructions to us can cause us to triumph over every strategy of the enemy. There are some who will read this article who need to know that God have not forgotten you and will never leave you. You may have had some setbacks and made some rash decisions that were costly, but Jesus is our Restorer and desires to revive you again because He loves you.

Peter’s suffering and his transformation is confirmation that we too can overcome our issues and internal conflicts that we deal with on a day to day basis. Condemnation is not for the saints of God. You may think to yourself, “I can’t get this thing right or I keep making stupid mistakes,” but God knows your frailties and those things that don’t slay you; will ultimately make you stronger if your eyes are fixed on Jesus. This is still a season of Resurrection and you must be convinced in your heart that God loves you. The mistakes you have made will make you stronger if you will line your life up with the Word of God. There are more for you than those who are against you. The Hosts of Heaven is pulling for you and you can and will make it, for your Redeemer lives.

Just a side note: the women who were with Jesus never lost a beat; they were strong, bold and courageous and did not run away. Women were not respected in Jesus day as they are not in many parts of the world today. But, they boldy walked into a room full of men and anointed His body for burial, handled and kissed His feet, refused to leave during the trials and beatings and stood at the Cross; they did not care what the Roman soldiers thought about them when they asked for His body to be prepared for burial before the Sabbath. They were there to meet the angels at the tomb. They were the first to meet the Lord after His resurrection and we see women pressing themselves through every disadvantage today to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many women are told that women can’t preach and many are not supported by their spouses, but they know that God has called them and set them apart and anointed them for kingdom work. God has opened doors so that these courageous women can display His glory on the earth, while many male ministers refuse to help them or stand with them. God will reward these women for their diligence, faithfulness and courage. Men and women of God who are set apart to do Kingdom work; support each other, feed Jesus sheep and tend His lambs. Be blessed as you soar in your kingdom work.

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