Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Did I Think That?

It amazes me how our minds can just start with a small thought and grows to a raging fire that affects every negative emotion we have. Negative thoughts start like a small smoldering ember and ends up in a blaze that can destroy everyone around us, if gone unchecked. Ever notice how a negative thought just pop up in your mind out of nowhere and suddenly lead to another thought, that leads to another thought and before you know it, you have thought yourself into a state of depression or intense anger against someone? Perhaps someone calls you on the phone and drop a negative statement in your ear (someone said this or that about you) and after the phone call, your mind turns that statement over many times and before you can get a cap on it, your mind have you feeling that the person is against you. Negative thoughts can put us into a real slump that can ruin our entire day and relationships. We know that we are supposed to cast down every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, but we tell ourselves this is different. They said…. this or that! Beloved, tell the devil to, “shut up!!!”

The greatest killer of relationships is our vain imaginations about what we think others are thinking about us. Runaway thoughts will make a person act like they are crazy. Reckless thoughts unleashed by the enemy will cause us to operate in fear and suspicion toward others that will lead to destruction of our relationship if not dealt with. How many men and women who fear loss of a relationship operate out of suspicion and ruin the very thing they are trying to hold on to by going through their purse/wallet, glove compartment, cell phone address book, email contact list or credit card statements to find evidence of wrong doing? Our thoughts unleashed and not brought under submission to reason can make us nuts. This is why we cannot have relationship with gossipers because one drop of their venom will poison and destroy everything. It doesn’t matter how old we are, we must guard our thoughts. We are exhorted to bring every thought and our imagination under submission to the Word of God. Now, I’m speaking about what we turn over in our minds and not the issues we hide in our hearts (oh my, that’s quite another issue). Our minds can think of some wicked stuff if we don’t put a stop to it and tell the devil to “shut up!”

There are so many relationships in turmoil. Marriages, siblings, friendships, parent/child, church members and co-workers are all feeling the weight of satanic attacks and the trip part about it is that no one is recognizing that it is Satan. He comes to steal, kill and destroy our lives and those we love. If we are not grounded enough in Christ and His Word, we will become self destructive.
Truth is, Satan want to destroy every good and healthy relationship and make it void of love; that’s his job. We all know of those who operate after the spirit of Absalom (betrayal), the spirit of Jezebel (control) and sneaky Haman (smiling faces of deception), but I am not talking about the truly deceitful, but the spirit of fear, spirit of doubt, and spirit of lies that comes from Satan and whisper in your ear against those you are in relationship with. Believe me, Satan will leave no relationship unturned; he is the destroyer and he knows how helpless humans are when they bow under the spirit of fear. But, you Beloved have not been given the spirit of fear (that’s where all this comes from) but of power, love and a sound mind. You should know by the spirit those you have a bond with and not walk in fear in your relationship with them, so that there will be no discord.

The true issue is what do you think about yourself? Do you love you? Do you believe that others can love you? Beloved, you must love yourself and be a carrier of love. If my mind is fixed on Christ, then whatever else that is said and done will reflect His love. No matter what anyone else says or do, we must remain faithful and love. I refuse to believe that those I am in relationship with feel anything but love for me as I do for them. I choose to love and I choose to believe that they love me. Give others the benefit of the doubt, always leaning to positive thoughts about those you love and when a negative thought hit your thoughts about someone you love, ask yourself...did I think that and cast it down?

Sometimes you just have to tell Satan to shut up and get out of your ear. Then ask Father to cover you in His love and trust me, you will feel the weight of fear, worry and negative thoughts lift, for it is a demonic spirit that is vexing and weighting you down. Father is waiting to fill your mind with His peace, joy and love that replaces every negative thought and imagination, because you brought your mind under submission to the mind of Christ. Have a healthy, wealthy and prosperous thought life this year.

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