On my most recent journey to Israel, with six other ministers and the spouse of one of the ministers from our church, we traveled to the area of the Dead Sea (most tours will take you into this area). It is the most interesting place in Israel to me because of the diversity of the landscape of the desert, mountains and the Dead Sea. The white sand mountains and valleys remind me of the landscape of the moon. The area of the Dead Sea is 3000 feet below sea level and the beauty of the Dead Sea is phenomenal from the mountain of Masada. It almost seems surreal and no matter how many pictures I took, nothing captures the true beauty of this area. We covered our bodies with the Dead Sea mud and floated in its salty waters, as we enjoyed the view of the awesome mountains of Quram and the Moab Mountains of Jordan. The Moab mountains appeared to be lavender as the sun shone on them; simply unsurpassed beauty.
We are told by our guides that Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as its neighboring towns were in this area before they were destroyed by God with fire and brimstone. I have posted the site at the end of this article of a current archaeological dig in the Jordan area, that appears to be the site of the old biblical city of Sodom. It is a most interesting read, how the archaeologists are uncovering the facts and have discovered that this site has about 25 of the facts needed to prove if this is the original city.
Science and true religion do not conflict with each other. Modern technology proves the authenticity of the historical facts that we read in the Bible. Man's interpretation of what they discover may be in dispute, but not the facts. It is so interesting to know that what we profess as Christians, are being discovered and proven by scientists and by archaeologists in the Middle East. Many have tried to prove that the Bible is an outdated book of stories, but now with science and technology, we are able to prove that those "stories" are not mere stories, but proven events in history.
If the world is coming into alignment with the historical facts of the Bible, then we as the Church, should be eager to live up the the standards of God. As knowledge increases and the world is discovering greater historical facts that we read in the Bible; we are also witnessing a meltdown in ethics and spirituality. Man's inhumanity to man has reached an all time low. It's interesting to me, that as we see an increase in sexual depravity, idolatry, inhumane treatment toward man and beast; that the old city of Sodom is being excavated.
Christians are called, "the children of the Book," by those of other religions. This is not an insult to me, because I understand that the Book is written on my heart. Hallelujah!!! The world is discovering that what we believe is now documented facts. Within the past 20 years, there has been many discoveries that prove the "Book" we believe in. He told Daniel to "seal up the Book" until the time of the end, when knowledge will increase. Now, as knowledge increases, we are seeing the Book of Daniel, as well as the other Books that document the last days unfold. The seal has been broken and the true Church can now read and see revealed the handwriting on the wall.
Could it be that the discovery of Sodom came at a time when the Church has reached an all time low as well? Everything evil that is named in the world is now being displayed in the Church on a regular basis. I personally believe as a prophetess of God, that God want to remind us of man's previous history and how He dealt with them. The article reads that the excavated bones of the people of this evacuated site displayed "great distress" and that the people met a sad and cataclysmic death.
Remember, that judgment WILL begin at the household of God. He has lovingly exposed some who have been in error to wake the other's up who are walking in the same sins. I say lovingly, because these men and women were hopefully humbled and can be restored. There is a Hell that those who refuse to repent will come to know, but God is giving those who walk incorrectly the opportunity to turn from ways that are contrary to His ways and be holy. God blasted those in Sodom and Gomorrah and the other towns, with fire and brimstone because of their sins; could it be that He is giving us a reminder and warning, that He will judge again if we don't correct ourselves?
I am not writing this article to the world, but to the Church. Church, correct your behavior that is not of God, for it will be worst for you, than it was for Sodom and Gomorrah. They did not know better, but you do! Grace is not a license to sin and live the way we want to without penalty; it covers us when we do sin and repent.
We have a short time before we move into 2012. The Church need to go on a fast and prayer vigil. We need to move into praise and worship; not only corporately, but personally. Enter the chambers of God, in the secret place and receive His love. Sit with Him in Heavenly places and get an arial view of every situation. This is not the time to slow down, but it is an exciting time to move in the glory, as the first Church operated. Move by the Holy Spirit and hear His instructions.
Many in the world are worried about the world ending and will be walking in much fear. Fear produces craziness in some people, so we will see an increase in crime and every kind of madness. We will witness people living in survival mode or SELF preservation. This is the time for the remnant Church to move into the shift and begin to do great ministry. Get out of the pews and into the streets. The harvest is massive, and God is calling forth the laborers to go into the harvest and do ministry. The harvest is not coming to you; you must go to them.
Last day Church, move in the love and ministry of Jesus Christ and receive your crown. He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.
Article on the excavation of Sodom
Utube on Dead Sea
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