Thursday, October 20, 2011

Word to Ohio

Earlier this year a prophetess and I traveled to Ohio for a ministry mission. We noticed an unusual amount of road kill on the side of the road that one would not usually see. I wrote about this in an earlier blog and I also posted a Word by Amy Heeter about the prophetic meaning of the road kill. I am not surprised that Ohio is the state that 49 exotic animals were released and terrorized a community. The unfortunate thing is that most of the animals were killed. These were adult bears, tigers, lions and other dangerous breeds. The owner released the animals and then committed suicide.

The spirit of death is over the state of Ohio. Dying hopes and dreams where there was once excitement. Dying churches and ministries that was once vibrant and thriving. Families are dying from neglect and spiritual neglect. Many cities in Ohio are experiencing hope deferred, which makes the heart sick.
Rise up Ohio and begin to give God praise. Your life will return to your bones and you will rejoice as you seek the Lord. Those who dwell within the borders of Ohio who have given up should drink from the Word of the Lord. To the prophets, intercessors, apostles and watchmen begin to declare life over your state. Decree that this spirit be removed and released from your state and take your stance of prayer. Decree apostles and prophets and take authority over the borders of Ohio. Know that unity and agreement will render this spirit helpless. Return to the Lord as your Shield and High Tower. Rise up, Ohio and become an overcomer for the victory is in your hands.

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