I just watched an episode of Undercover Boss which showcased two CEO’s from top companies, who went undercover to see how the employees perform their jobs on a daily basis. The employees worked side by side with the CEO’s of their business, believing that their job was to train these new employees. The bosses worked beside them for a day and was able to gain personal insight on the employees, as well as the fact that some were underpaid for what they performed and had personal challenges but did their best on the jobs. The bosses eventually had the employees in their offices and revealed their true identity to their employees as well as confirmed each person on his or her job performance. Words of affirmation were spoken to these employees and raises, bonuses, vacations and the like were handed out to them for a job well done.
I told my husband that I thought Undercover Boss was a beautiful idea for a TV program and because I can rarely see anything without seeing the spiritual implications behind it, I began to think about Jesus Christ, who is the true undercover boss.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and life was the light of men and the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. ..He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own; and His own received Him not. John 1-5, 10-11 KJV
God came and dwelt among us and became familiar with our sorrows. He came to humans in every situation in life to bring revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven. Even when Jesus moved and lived with humanity, performing miracles, signs and wonders, they still did not realize that they were dealing with God living among us.
The religious leaders of His day worshipped the Father with their mouths, but not their spirits and they didn’t recognize who He was. They were jealous of Jesus because he could move the crowds and challenged their rituals. He was a crowd mover and crowds followed him everywhere he went, but the religious leaders sought to discredit him and eventually plotted to seize and kill him. He revealed His identity to a few and proclaimed the business of Father on the earth. He was able to touch those who were rejected or ignored by society. Even to this very day, He remains the most influential person who has ever lived and yet, the most misunderstood.
He is revealing His true identity today, to a few who love Him and seek Him and then He gives them out of this world rewards. Jesus didn’t just come to the world and leave us without guidance, but He taught His disciples, sent the Holy Spirit and left a manual filled with His words. He has even given His angels charge over us to protect, rebuke the devourer and serve those who belong to Him. He is changing and transforming us into His image and likeness and displaying His glory in and through us.
Jesus was and is the first and true Undercover Boss.
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