As we have just entered a new year, God has propelled us into a new season. What was, will no longer be, and what is, will be changed. God is positioning many for great things, but He must first cut some things off us before He moves us forward. We must be willing to be led by the Spirit of God in this season and realize that many things won't make sense to us.
God is purifying, cleansing and changing us by undressing us from carnality to redressing us in holiness. This change is a painful process, but it is truly a necessary process. He is redressing us and changing our armor so that we can withstand greater attacks from the enemy and be able to stand in the face of danger. Many of us have not put on His armor, and in this new season, the enemy will be able to sift us like wheat, if we don't allow God to do a perfect work in us.
Nothing is more important than God’s Word and Will. We have our plans that we have laid out for our future, but God has His plans for our lives, to bring us a hope and a future. We are never to move into a place of bitterness, unforgiveness and discord. The enemy desires to wreak relationships and for the people of God to forget the principles of God, they have chosen to live by and do our own thing, often because of offense. When jealousy, envy and competition enter a relationship, we must discern the spirit that is behind each vice.
Satan was jealous and envious of God and felt he could be like the Most High and made the fatal mistake of challenging God. He sowed discord among the angels and caused a rebellion. As he did in Heaven, he is doing on the earth. Ever since he was disposed from Heaven, he has planned and plotted against the people of God. Most of mankind’s thinking has been motivated by the enemy to fight against the things of God and are now thinking that the ways of Satan are right. They are calling good evil and evil good. This should not be.
Check this out...Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever. 2 Cor 4:17-18 Message Bible
For momentary, light afflictions is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparisons, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Cor 4:17-18 New American Standard Version
Many have gone through hard trials during the last season and are somewhat gun shy to move forward now. They think that a great disappointment is awaiting them around the corner. But God is calling us to live in a place of expectancy to progress into greatness in Him. He is calling us to realize that we have been wrapped with purpose and that we can only fail if we don’t do anything. Psalms 139, declares to us who we are in Christ and that there is nothing that is hidden from us regarding God’s love and kindness. The power that resides in us was given by the precious Holy Spirit and is there within us to rekindle the fire of God in our hearts. He is guiding our very footsteps to ascend each mountain and take it by force.
Where can I go from your Spirit, O God; my Lord? Nowhere!! Everywhere I turn, He is with me, on me and in me. I can’t fail, for I know that the Most High God has my back at all times. Dressed in new clothing; armed with the weapons of prayer and intercession, and filled with expectancy and faith, I know that I can ascend any problem and challenge. He is my rear-guard, for my front is covered in His armor. Many will challenge me, to see if my God will deliver me, but they will come at me one way and flee seven ways. How powerful our God is and He has declared that the power that He had, has been given to us. He is looking for those who are thirsty for Him and desires to be with Him.
I am so glad that I can rest in God’s infinite love for me, for that is where true peace reigns. His peace is my joy. He loves the Church and He wants us to be excited about Him. His ears are waiting to hear our voices, voices that will cry out and tell Him how much we love Him. He is looking for those who will bend their faces to the floor and worship Him in the Spirit. He is seeking; watching and finding those who really desire to make their habitation with Him. He disclosed His immeasurable love for us and all we have to do is believe and receive it. When we abide in Him and He abides in us, this love relationship consummates in an explosion of His awesome glory on our lives; this is pure worship. Father looks forward to these randevous with His beloved. We will walk away from this union expressing ourselves just like Him. Others will know that we have been in the secret place with the King, because His fragrance will be all over us. Hallelujah and praises to His Holy name.
Let’s make 2011 the year that we commit our lives fully to Him and demonstrate the Kingdom of God, on the earth.
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