Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tell My Sisters To Arise

Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they wee kept from recognizing him. He asked them, "What are you discussing together as you walk along?" They stood still, their faces downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, "Are you only a visitor to Jerusalem and do not know the things that have happened there in these days?" "What things?" he asked?...some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning but didn't find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as they women had said, but him they did not see." Luke 24:13-19, 22-24

I had the wonderful privilege to stand on the Emmaus road in Israel. It actually was a holy moment for me and sent chills all over me, as I thought about the fact that the resurrected Christ, conversed with physical man on that very road. Jesus loved his people so much that he met them on this road and other places, on His way back to Heaven, to increase their faith and to give them their final instructions; the very thought is too wonderful to me. Jesus seized the opportunity to engage these two men into a conversation about the events that had transpired regarding His crucifixion and burial. The two men began to speak to Jesus about the women, who held very little importance in their society, how they had simply amazed them. Remember, the women were at the foot of the Cross when Jesus was suffering and the only disciple was John, the one who loved Jesus.

God rewarded these faithful women, who loved Jesus and clung to his every word, by giving them an angelic encounter before the men. They were blessed beyond measure to be the first partakers of the risen Christ and the angelic encounter that revealed to them, that Christ was no longer in the tomb and had risen. They were the first to partake of the miraculous glory of Christ's resurrection and angelic blessings.

Amazingly, women are still having wonderful encounters with the Lord and angelic visitations today. The churches are filled with women who demonstrate their love and devotion to God and He repays their devotion to Him. The women are the ones who will loose all to be with God and will sacrifice their lives to be servants of the Most High. Yes, God works with men too and He delights Himself in men as He do with women, but the women are often the faithful ones. Many women sacrifice so much to serve God. Oftentimes, there is a spiritual battle in the homes of women to even attend church. Their men have no idea of the worth of these devoted followers of Christ. These women are persecuted and mistreated as they follow their hearts to worship. Many women are verbally and emotionally abused because they have decided to follow Jesus. But they are convinced that they will die first than to neglect the one they love. I have heard testimony after testimony of women who have faithfully followed the Lord only to be mistreated by their husbands. God hears and sees these women and reward them with more of Himself.

Over the years, I have heard and experienced myself, angelic visitations, the voice of God, translations, visions and trances. The Lord rewards those who love Him and seek Him with all their heart. He said that if we seek Him, He would show us great and mighty things we do not know. That's revelation at it's best. God desires to cause us to soar beyond our wildest dreams. The Lord blesses those who run fast after Him. Just as the women got us early in the morning to go to the tomb to see Jesus, He is calling us to rise up early to meet Him. He will be found and cause us to sit with Him in heavenly places.

It is time for the Deborah's to arise and take their places. It is no longer time for women to be intimidated in the Church. Jesus has always had a special love for women. Women were not created to be anti-male or feminist, but to be feminine and holy before God. Those called to ministry, do it with grace. Those called to sing or serve, do it with the grace of God. It is time for the women in Church to return to true femininity and not lewdness. So many are dressing as the women in the world. We were not called to look like hookers but to look feminine before God and man. Sexy has no place in the Church for we are to avoid every appearance of evil. We are to be known by our gentleness and love toward God and man.

What's going on with our young women today? Everybody want to be sexy. I asked my youngest daughter this question about a year ago, "where have the prostitutes gone?" She replied, "they're around, it's just that everybody else looks like them." I was blown away because she was correct. From the movies, to television, to mainstream society, to the Church; everybody's sexy. It must be so tuff to be young today! There's so much pressure and competition to be beautiful and sexy. My heart hurts for the young women of today, because they feel forced to be sexy or they will not be accepted. That's far too much pressure. Young women are going under the knife to enhance their looks, and totally change their bodies. It makes the job of the older woman so much tougher, to try to convince today's young women that their beauty isn't in showing all their breasts, legs and booty, but in their godly character.

Boaz noticed Ruth because she was productive; not sexy. The women in the Church cannot compete with the women in the world regarding their clothing, unless they intend to come to Church almost naked. We should not be completing with them because we have what the world doesn't have, and that is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Paul instructs Timothy, to tell the older women to teach (in gentleness and love) the younger women, how to be godly women, good wives and mothers.

I mentioned Deborah; a tough sister who was a married woman, a prophetess and Judge of Israel. She was so anointed that Barak asked her to go to war with him and if she didn't go, he wouldn't go either. He had great respect for her knowledge as a judge and a prophetess. He didn't ask her husband to go to battle nor did he ask her husband if she could go; he asked her to go to battle. That says a lot about the woman. She told him she would go but the battle would be won by the hand of a woman. Another woman, Jael, who must have had a stomach of steel, took a tent peg and hit it into Sisera's temple with a hammer. My goodness, this woman was so courageous and as Deborah prophesized, the battle was accredited to the hand of a woman.

So, to my sisters in Christ; what is it that you feel you can't do? You are more than a conqueror, because greater is He in you, than He that is in the world. The Holy Spirit abides in you and He is your guide, teacher and comforter. We have all that we will ever need to be successful and powerful, to take Kingdom authority over every area of our lives. So, no more excuses, rise up and go in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.

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