Thursday, September 9, 2010

Great Is The Lord

Great is the lord and most worthy of praise, His greatness no one can fathom. Psalms 145:3

You dear, children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Great – meaning: enormous, huge, immense, vast, larger, big, grand
Greater –meaning: better, superior, larger and bigger
Greatness – meaning: magnitude, enormity, immensity, vastness, size

Now I must say, my 2 ½ year old grandson prompted this blog. He gets up every night and get into our bed or his mom's bed. Tonight, he went to sleep in his grandpa’s office on the futon with no problems, but the moment he discovered that his grandpa had gotten up and gone to bed, he ran like a linebacker down the hall to jump into our bed. When I heard the patter of his little feet running on the hardwood floor down our hallway, to the bedroom, I smiled, for I know that very soon, whatever it is that he fears, will become very small in his mind. He quietly layed at the foot of our bed, now comforted by the fact that whatever he was afraid of in the dark, has no power over him now, for he was safe with his grandparents. The thought came to my mind, of how many adult Christians are running in fear from the darkness as my little grandson.

What is it that we don’t understand or grasp about this scripture? Greater, superior and bigger is our God, over the enemy in this world. If we can ever wrap our minds around the truth that our God is great, enormous, immense and larger than any devil, financial issue, problem, challenge or circumstance in our life, then we can be set free. He is bigger and since He happens to own the entire universe, we must realize that we serve the greatest. His greatness, or magnitude, enormity, immensity and vastness, far out weight the fear and worry, over any sickness, disease, mental or emotional problem that we may be faced with.

Greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world. Our God, who is far more superior and larger than life and anything you can name in this world, rather known or unknown, lives in you. The Spirit of the Living God dwells in your body, which you received upon salvation. He didn’t step out of you, no, not at all, for His promise is to never leave you nor forsake you.

He has placed Himself into our very being and has given us the answers to every challenge. Every problem can be solved by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Here's the problem, we magnify our issues to a far greater degree, than we magnify the Lord. We magnify the problems because we can “see” the problems, but we forget that our God is so great, that we can’t even fathom His greatness. That means, our God is larger than our problems. Yes, we have issues and challenges that sometimes appear to rock our world, but we must remember that our God is greater than any problem we can have.

Our God is great. He is huge; bigger than any problem we can have. If we meditate on the scriptures, we will have the victory over the problems that will arise in our lives, but when the enemy comes against us like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. I can almost see the Lord, holding up a staff in the face of the enemy and commanding the enemy to back up off you. God will answer your prayers and deliver you from every situation in His timing.

Some problems will strike fear in our hearts and the doctors will give us reports that will seemingly rock our world, but we don’t have to run in fear in the dark, for we serve the God of light. His love is the light we need to penetrate the darkness and fear in our hearts. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and He is called; the light. Light dispels darkness and fear is darkness. You serve the God of light, holiness and purity. He will deliver you from every circumstance.

Back to my grandson, I usually pick him up and carry him in my arms back to his bed. I whisper sweet words of life into his ear, of how God loves him and that God’s peace is now upon Him. This child’s fear leave as I speak life into his little ears. Whatever was larger than life minutes before, now have no power over his life for the spoken Word was whispered into his inner man. Jesus is whispering life into your ears…His peace, that transcends ALL human understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7 There it is; God’s peace will guard our emotions and thoughts. The peace of God will wrap around your mind and dispel all fears, for fear cannot stand in the face of God's truth.

The Lord will transport you to a place in Him that no problem, no enemy, nor fear can touch. God, who is great, will elevate your thoughts; and dispel all fears to a realm in Him as He calms your emotions like a spiritual tranquilizer. He will take your mind and emotions to a place of peace and joy that you have never known. His angels will then surround those who reverence Him and delivers them out of their troubles. What an awesome promise from God. Don’t worry; take a few breaths and rest in God’s promise, that He is bigger than your problems.

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