Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written, I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you. I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; …he is the Elijah who was to come. He, who has ears, let him hear.
Matthew 11:9-10
If you have been in the ministry for any length of time, you have witnessed those who want to make a name for themselves as a prophet and become great in the Church world. Some have visions of grandeur of becoming the next big name on Christian television. Some small ministries have jumped on television in hopes that they become the next household name and hopefully draw millions of viewers or potential members. This behavior wasn't witnessed by prophets in Bible history, for the men and women we see were sold out for God. Jesus said, there was no greater prophet than John the Baptist. John was an odd kind of person who had his own style of dress and diet but he was a man of power. He cried out to prepare the way of the Lord and he had a heart for souls. I’m sure few understood him, but they all respected him as a prophet sent by God.
One thing we have seen time after time in the early Church, are men and women who have not paraded themselves to be known, compromised, nor try to make a name for themselves. These valiant Believers did not flaunt themselves in front of the people speaking of their worldly possessions or their great spiritual gifts. When they spoke before the masses, they knew that it could easily be the last time they preached or proclaimed the Word of God. They did not preach to make themselves known, but preached to release the light of God and to dispel the darkness in the land. Stephen’s sermon was so deep that it offended and incited the crowd to kill him. Stephen did make a name for himself by being anointed to suffer. Paul, Barnabas, Silas, and the rest incited the crowd to beat them, and ultimately kill them, except for John who was exiled on the Isle of Patmos. John the Baptist, was the first to die, by offending Herod’s woman, which cost him his life. John was anointed by God to be a super prophet but he was also anointed to suffer by being beheaded. Jesus Christ offended the Pharisees and Sadducees by preaching the good news of the gospel. Jesus was born to die and knew that He was anointed to suffer.
Oftentimes, we think when we see the people of God going through, that it is because they are doing something wrong, but that may be the furthest thing from the truth. Jesus promised that in this life we will have trials, tribulations and much persecutions. If anyone want to challenge me on this point just read your Word. It is clear and true; we are going to have trials and suffering. But despite the storms, we were called to live a supernatural life filled with love, faith and power. We often ask God to enlarge us or to stretch us, not realizing that this will only happen by going through something. It has been said that trials come to make us strong, but that is only if we are able to understand that God is leading us somewhere. Most of us would not be where we are today if something hadn’t changed in our lives to bring us into the place we are in today.
Job said something so awesome after he had gone through the personal storm Satan conjured up for him. What Satan meant for evil; God meant for good. Job came to “see” the Lord of His salvation. He said, “My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you…” Job had an encounter with the Lord that was truly out of this world. He came to personally know the God He served and worshiped, thru the anointing of suffering. He had to be anointed by God to go through such an awful ordeal but one thing is for sure and that is, his faith was sealed in knowing God. This is what suffering is supposed to do…draw us closer to God. We must rest on the Word that God says; He will never leave us nor forsake us. If we truly belong to God we must rest on the truth that when we go through the floods, that God is with us. When we go through the storms; God is with us and through the fire, He is with us.
Many states have gone through vast flooding this year and there is more to come but one thing the people of God must know and that is that God is with them. We have witnessed worldwide earthquakes, fires, volcanoes and storms. Many Believers have had to face failed marriages and broken homes, financial loss, job loss and sicknesses but God still promises to deliver. He has not forgotten us; in fact, He is closer to us in those times than ever, for He sends His angels to minister to us during times of suffering. We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and there are benefits the world can’t claim or expect. God will deliver us from every storm. If you are going through, you are anointed to suffer. It is no mistake that you are going through, there’s an anointing to suffer; the world is watching you to see if your God is truly real. King Darius watched Daniel to see if God would truly deliver Him from the lion’s den. This caused the King to believe in the power of Daniel’s God. We are living epistles, read by all men and those who do not have a relationship with God are looking at you to see what you will do. Glorify God in the midst of your storm and watch God deliver you. His angels encamp around those who reverence Him and He delivers them from every physical, mental and spiritual storm.
I have stood at the bedside of Believers who were going home to be with the Lord and I have witnessed the anointing of the Lord on them in the final days of their lives. There is no fear, no regrets, no anger; just a yearning to go to their Heavenly Father. It is a moving experience to be with a person who is anointed to suffer and who is filled with the Holy Spirit before they depart this life, for they will encourage us to move forward in our earthly purpose and to fulfill that which the Lord has called us to do. One who is anointed to suffer will rejoice when the Lord turns their mourning into gladness and their weeping into dancing. Hallelujah! No matter what state we find ourselves in, we know that we will have the victory!
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