Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findethed, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8
One of the quick sayings we have in the Church when we are not in the mood to share is "you have not becasue you ask not." We usually get a chuckle from this but it is the stone truth. We don't ask so we don't receive. But Jesus is saying something a little different from simply asking. He is saying if we ask often enough, and are persistent when we ask we will recieve. I remember hearing fellow Believers say that you only have to ask for something once because God does not have a bad memory, true God's memory is perfect but He blesses those who press their way to victory. Jesus tells us to be persistent in our asking and if we are persistent we will push through any crowd and any obstacle to get what we are believing God for...cause there 'ain't no mountain high enough" remember, Jesus says if we tell the mountain to move; it will MOVE.
Jesus says that persistence will open any door and we will have what we are desiring if it is within the will of God. Some will say, I will ask God for the winning lottery numbers but that is not the will of God; the game of chance is the will of man. The Word tells us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts and to seek love and pursue it. These things will be given to us in full measure. But God has not ruled out material blessings because He says that if we tithe and bring our money to the store house that He will pour us out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive. He will open doors for us that no man can shut. So, armed with this information and knowing that we serve the Creator of the universe, there's nothing that will be withheld from us if we seek Him first and His righteousness.
The race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to those who endure. Endure the hardships with an attitude that God will deliver you in due season and know that if you ask with persistence, believing you will receive, you will have what you are believing God for. For He will do exceedingly, abundantly above whatever you can ask or think. Be exceedingly blessed, warrior of God.
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