Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Enemy Is Watching; But So Are You

One day as the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan, the Accuser, came with them. Where have you come from? The Lord asked Satan. And Satan replied, “From the earth, where I’ve been watching everything that’s going on.”
Job 1:6-7 The Living Version

One of the most popular videos on the internet was filmed in Africa by an amateur on vacation about the nature of animals in the wild and depicts a herd of thirsty water buffalos numbering around 200 approaching a watering hole to drink. They were being led by a male who was totally unaware that they were walking smack dab into the path of six lions who were watching them as they approached them. The lions were in attack mode, crouched low to the ground ready to pounce on them. By the time this poor male sensed the lions it was simply too late but he turned on a dime and ran like crazy in the opposite direction. The other two buffalos turned and ran too but the lions were in hot pursuit on them. The lions were waiting for prey at the water hole and positioned themselves for the kill as they saw the unassuming buffalo approach. Once in hot pursuit, of the buffalos, the lions began to target their prey. Among the three buffalos running away, one was a baby water buffalo who quickly became the lions prey because he was young and weak, which made him an easy kill for the six young lions.

On lion jumped the baby and they both fell into the water with another young lion right behind them. Three lions grabbed the baby to kill but then a crocodile approached from the water and grabbed the baby. Now the lions and the crocodile pulled in each direction to get the baby. The young lion was not about to give up this tasty catch and his determination paid off. He pulled the baby out of the water so they could start their feast. But to all the onlookers’ surprise, the herd of water buffalo returned to get their baby back and actually attacked the lion. They were successful and amazingly the baby returned to the herd and the male buffalos had the lions in pursuit. This has never been captured on film before and no one knew that the buffalos that were prey would actually come back in number and reclaim their young.

This truly reminds me of the Church and Satan. He sends his evil spirits to position themselves in places that we dwell or go to on a regular basis. There are times that we are so tired and fatigued that we let our guards down and become prey to the enemy. Satan and his demons know our nature and wait for a time when we are least suspecting. We may be sick, depressed, in grief, broken, abused or not feeling validated and this will be the very time that the enemy strikes. He loves to hit us when we are down. Sometimes he will do a frontal attack and attack from behind. There are several scenarios I can give you on Satan and his demons attack on us.

• You may be feeling tired and in desperate need of rest after a hard schedule when the husband or wife began to question you with, “what have you been doing all day?”
• You may be whistling as you go, happy to be in the Lord when someone speaks some nasty thing to you that they know is a lie and refuses to apologize.
• You reveal to someone that you are disappointed over messing up on a project and there is response to you is that you always want someone to pat you on the back…ouch
• You are abused by someone you love and everyone tells you that it is your fault; you deserve to be treated like that. (the devil is a liar)
• Crushed over a break-up of a relationship (whether friend or mate) when someone responds negatively to you and then the devil comes back with a mental “tko” about how they “knew the person was going to leave you all along”…stomped.
• You give a praise report in Church about how you have rededicated your life to Christ and you feel like a new person ready to live for the Lord and then immediately after Church the phone rings…
• The doctor’s report was bad but you received prayer and healing, your well meaning friends and family tell you how bad your sickness is and how many people they know have died from it…”tko”…you begin to have a symptom; whose report will you believe?
• Your child diagnosed with a learning disability after God has shown you in a vision that your child will graduate from college…whose report will you believe?
• You have been out of work and everyone tells you that the skilled folks who were laid off are looking for the same job as you…but you have heard a word from the Lord that the job is yours if you believe…whose report will you believe?

Satan knows you and patiently waits to devour you. He is the leader of a depraved spiritual army who is targeting you all day long. They wait until you are weak, tired, sick, off focused (the enemy can tell where you focus is by your conversation) and separated from stronger saints. His strategy is to attack when you least expect it. He watches for the young (our children and youth), the weak (those who are tired and sick). But when the saints do as the water buffalo herd did and come together to take back what the enemy has stolen from the Church and began to wage war against the enemy, he will let go of the prey. Intercessory prayer is the way we win back our wounded. We have to stand in the gap for those who are young, sick and weak. These are the ones the enemy targets but he can’t hold onto them when we come together and bind and loose. It is our time Church! God has given us power to reclaim what the enemy has stolen from us.

It is time for us to resist the devil and he will flee. Bind & loose his demons from your life. You have been given the authority by Jesus and His word says to Believers to watch and pray. The way we watch is to know the strategy of the enemyor ask God to show you how to walk in victory. Speak words of power over your life and the lives of your loved ones. The power words are the words of God. Speak the Word and then pray. There’s the weapon…prayer. Wow, that will give the enemy a spiritual, nuclear slap down.
Be highly blessed in the Lord, it is your time.

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