Sunday, November 2, 2014

We're In It To Win It

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
Hebrews 12:1-2b

I knew a man who pastored a nice size church and hated every moment of it.  He came from a rich heritage of preachers, but his desire was to be a doctor.  He wasn't physician material and couldn't pass the test, so he went into the ministry because it was a respected vocation, but he never like it and did as little as he could to get by.  He became a mean little man because he was doing something that his family loved, but he secretly hated it and he wasn't called nor anointed  by God to pastor.
What path has God chosen for us that we are commissioned to complete and fulfill our purpose and destiny?  So often we place careers or jobs that others have designed for us as a matter of importance,  because we believe that it will please others.  Yes, they may be proud of you, but is it what God told you to do? 

God's plans for you may not be what you would plan for yourself, but be sure of one thing, it will be the best thing that you will ever do.  There will be an inner peace deep within you when you are walking in purpose.  It may not make any sense to others and maybe little sense to you, but the peace of God will be evident in your life.  He anoints us to do whatever He calls us to do.

If you are going to walk with God, be assured, you will find little support from others, no matter how well meaning they are.  You see their disapproval in their eyes, but you have to remember who you serve.  If they truly love you, they will pray for understanding and God's peace to go with you.  If they are haters, well, let the haters hate.  You follow God!

Remember,  the great cloud of witnesses who have also stepped out on faith and done things that others would refuse to do.  Some will say, "it just don't make sense" and true, following God can make one seem strange, but God's wisdom is not like our wisdom.  We must remember that the race that has been set before us is crucial to complete.   While we run the race that is set before us, we must remember that God divinely connects us with those who knows His ways and voice as well and will divinely connect you.  These are friends who are closer than blood  relatives.  They will see the hand of God in the plan and pray you through the hard times.

Any race is tough, but if we are focused on the prize, we will gain strength that we may not realize we had, whether we knew it it not, it came from God because we depend on Him for His strength.  We run with anticipation of hearing those beautiful words from Jesus, "well done, though good and faithful servant...enter in;."

So we live by faith, seek God's wisdom, walk in the Spirit, overcoming issues and sinful nature, to finish strong; the race to the finish and the expected end to victory.

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