Friday, October 17, 2014

Arrogant and Proud of It

The Bible says that PRIDE goes before the fall and God says that one of the things that He hates is a PROUD look...hmmm, maybe we should start searching for the answer to our problems right in this place.

We have become a nation of arrogant people who are full of pride.  The media proudly boasted that if ebola were to show up in our country that we are prepared to handle it.  So, it's here and we are totally unprepared.  We sit with our tail between our legs after boasting that WE are better than the Africans, scratching our heads trying to figure out how to stop this plague.  What????  We were so sure that we could handle the outbreak and wallop it's here scaring Americans out of our minds  Then, some kind of new crazy has hit our leaders by saying that we will not quarantine people who arrive here on planes who may be infected...what???

We are and arrogantly boast that we are the strongest nation in the world, but a terrorist group rose up out of nowhere called ISIS and we are scared to no end. 

Selfies are the thing of the day and people are so caught up in themselves that they are taking pictures of themselves from all angles to show off their butts or breast and posting for all to see and not to mention those who send nude pictures or worst.  Where's the modesty? 

There are even stupid, yes I said it...stupid people who are so incredibly demented that they record themselves with stolen merchandise or assaulting someone and all kinds of other crimes. No shame, because their arrogance has made them stupid.

Pride goes before the fall.  We have Gay Pride Parades with men scantily dressed  and not to mention the Marde Gras Parade which flaunt sex for all to see.

Because of pride and arrogance, we are living in mental turmoil.  Psychiatric hospitals, clinics and offices are filled with people who are suffering from psychosis and other psychological issues. The God who we choose to forget says in  book of Deuteronomy 28:20...The Lord will send on you cursing, confusion and rebuke  in all that you set your hand to chapter  28 to see what powerful blessings obedience will bring and what awful curses disobedience will bring.  So, you don't believe it?  It means nothing if you don't believe, you WILL walk it.

Government and erring Clergy leaders are not exempt from this prideful and arrogant list.  They use their position to disrespect and dishonor their marriages, constituents, members and God.

Here's a 911 to you, my beloved America; turn from your wicked ways.  Repent from your gross arrogance against God   You are no better than the next man or woman; people or nation   You have been blessed by the God you so arrogantly choose to ignore or declare does not exists.  The Heavenly scales of judgment are being weighed against you because of you arrogance.  Pride goes before the fall.  Humble yourselves, citizens of America and all these diseases, plagues and violence will be removed from the land. 

People of God, stop fooling around and pray for our nation.  We are in dire times.  Humble yourselves and live in peace.

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