Monday, November 10, 2014

The Author, the Pen and the Book

Looking into Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
Hebrews 12:2a

God says that He knows the thoughts that He has for us and that He knitted and fashioned us together in our mother's womb, penning the plan before the foundations of the world.  He was the ready Pen, the Book and the Author at the same time, creating a story in us to an expected and beautiful end.

Jesus was the author before the very beginning, of the Book of Life.  He was the Word who wrote the word, on the very foundation of the world about the magnificent creation of humanity that would willingly praise Him, for He was designing in man the very image and likeness of Himself.  Jesus the author, designed within the Book of Life, space with lines to be filled in with names that would come eons later and another Book of Rewards for those that He would one day coronate with Holy Crowns as He parade them before the Cherubim, Seraphim and all Angels, along with the Beasts and 24 Elders, who would lay their crowns down before the Throne with the Redeemed saints. 

Jesus, the Author's Pen, has written down the good deeds that have been done by those who are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  As the angels prepare mansions for those whose lives have been written by the Hand of Holiness, there is great anticipation in the Heavenlies as all things stand finished and perfected on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Great anticipation and care has gone into this Heavenly project, to finish the spiritual heavenly house and then for the Author to finish, perfect and mature those who will enjoy the place that He left earth to prepare for them as He told them that He would  do in the Book of John...I go and prepare a place for you and where I am, you shall be also, were the beautiful words of Jesus. 

So the Bride waits, adorned in her bridal gown, sometimes sleepy and sometimes alert, but she knows that she must have her precious oil with her.  She knows, because she was fashioned this way by the Great Author, that she is the light of the world and a lamp cannot flow with light without oil.  She's pleased because she's reflecting His glory although there's darkness all around her.

She fears not the darkness because the Best man (the Holy Spirit) is with her.  So she waits, knowing that she will soon hear the cry of the Bridegroom over the noise of war, beheadings, traitors, insolent men and ravaging storms.  She waits, because it has already been spoken on Calvary and  written in the Book by the Author; the Bridegroom, Yeshua,..."it is finished "

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