Friday, October 10, 2014

Are You Living a Dog's Life?

Do not love the world, nor the things of the world

Too many in the church are clubbing, gambling, practicing sexual perversion or worst and loving it.   The things of God are forgotten or despised as legalism or outdated.  They boast "we can have it all" and run after a dogs life...doing whatever feels good.  No restraints, no wisdom, no character, nor desire desire to live holy lives. As one Preacher stated, "lukewarm and living it."

It is a hard thing for me to hear backsliding Christians or those who are unchurched say that the church or ministry is full of hypocrites.  Sadly to say, these statements, but there is a remnant who have refused to now their knees to Baal and follow the ways of the world. There are corrupt ministers and members who love and embrace an unholy lifestyle and they are the ones who everyone whisper about.  Like a dog returning to it's vomit, they have returned to the world.  What about those who have refused to love a dogs life?  They love and serve the Lord of Host.

God has a plan, His appointed times for man to enjoy and to remember His plan for man.  it's His appointed Feast Days.   The Feast of Tabernacles is a future time when the world will be at peace.  Celebrate with joy and fellowship with love and remember your God.

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