Thursday, October 9, 2014

An Opened Door

See, I have set before you an opened door and no one can shut it, for you have a little strength, have kept My word and have not denied My name.
Revelation 3:8

There has been a spiritual squeeze, like an invisible tourniquet around the neck of those who have sought and served the Lord.  The body of Christ have been under spiritual attack, but while under fire, we have been refined as gold.  Some have ministered and poured themselves out, giving their all to see people saved and delivered.  They have ministered in sweat and tears, often forsaking their own needs, to make sure that those who are weak can hear a word that will wake them out of their dslumber to do the will of God.

_The desire of the man or woman of God  to bring people into an intimate relationship with God is a high priority in their lives.  Jesus and His disciples unselfishly worked to see the Kingdom of God in operation on the earth and those who labor today desire to see the same thing.

Strangely enough, most people don't have a clue what God's blessings look like.  They can't recognize it because we think that a blessing is a car, house, great job, fame or fortune.  Those things are nice, but evil men can possess those same things.  What evil men can't possess and money can't buy is peace, faith,  love and the ability to see in the supernatural realm of God. 

Yes, psychics, mediums and those who deal in the occult can see in the spirit, but they are not seeing in the realm of a Holy God.  They may see "light" but this is a deceptive, temporary light in the realm of the demonic.  Many in the church are running to mediums who have entered the church because they want a "word" without realizing the source of the word.  Try the spirit to see if it is from God.  The young girl in the Bible,  who  followed the Apostles around constantly and rightly proclaimed that they were men of God spoke truth,  but she did not acquire this  information from God, but by an evil spirit that possessed her. She was a slave girl who received her information from the demonic realm and not from the realm of God and the Apostles delivered her from this  demonic spirit and set her free.  Ask God if He is speaking through a person.  It is critical to know the source of the word speaking through a man or woman.

Go high, my friend, into the realm of God and receive your blessing.   God has an open door for you, but it can only be accessed through Him.  Peter found the opened door when his vision was narrow enough to focus on Jesus.  The storm raged and his fellow disciples probably screamed in terror when he began to exit the boat, but his vision was focused on Jesus only.  He could see the impossible in Christ.  He not only could see the impossible, but he could do the impossible.  There was nothing to stop him as he fixed  his eyes firmly on Jesus.  He saw Jesus defy nature and he knew that his intimate relationship with Jesus would allow him to do the same, if Jesus would bid him to come.  "Jesus, bid me to come to you," he screamed and Jesus, who was delighted once again, because Peter was in the spiritual realm again, because flesh and blood did not reveal  to Peter that he could walk on water and defy nature, hollered back above the storm, lightning, thunder and wind...come Peter!   In a little space of time, Peter did what no other human has ever done...he walked on the sea.  Peter understood the opened door and the invitation from Christ to enter the opened door of the supernatural.  Judas would have never been able to  enter that door, because his heart was filled with what he could access only through his five senses and his human efforts that were driven by greed.

Just as Peter entered the opened door of the supernatural, as did some others; so can you.  This opened door is not generated by greed, fame or natural means, but by the Holy Spirit.  Those who  love Jesus, professes His name and keep His word, can go through the door of the Spirit and do mighty exploits in the name of Jesus.  Nothing will be withheld from you; you call it and He will perform it.   Watch and pray concerning the world, but fix your eyes on Christ and enter the open door that He has set before you.  This is the greatest hour for the  true Church.

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