Friday, November 28, 2014

The Forgotten Guest

Families and friends met all across the fifty States for Thanksgiving 2014.  The funny thing about it is that this holiday was founded to give thanks to God for His goodness throughout the year, but the guest of honor was not invited. 

Thanksgiving has become a time for turkey, football and early Black Friday sales.  What are we teaching our young children and teens? One thing we are teaching is that the guest of honor, God, is no longer welcomed at our dinner table during a holiday that is suppose to be set apart to give thanks.   Do we still give thanks to the True and Living God or is a quick prayer offered up so that we can get to the main event of the evening; eating.

If we can't reflect on God's goodness, provision and protection during a time that has been set apart in our nation to honor Him with our families and love ones, then what's the point of the day?

We have systematically removed God from every part of our lives and we better beware, He just might lift His hand of goodness, provision and protection from us.

There were segments on the news about how to carve a turkey, what side items go with the turkey and pre-Black Friday sales, but I saw nothing about gratitude to the Creator God.

A few churches had services, which is good, but wherever the people of God gather they are the Church and Thanksgiving to our God should have gone forth in their testimony during the fellowshipping.

We must get back to the business of Jesus in the homes.  The Christian home should reflect Christ.  Many complain about Jesus being taken out of the schools, government and other social places, but the truth is, God has been taken out of many Christian homes as well. Then on Sundays they show up at the church with their fake Christian smiles and praise the Lord; help us Lord.

So this is the day after the day of giving many really gave thanks to
the forgotten Guest? God bless those who remembered His presence in their homes and lives.

I pray that God give you the spirit of wisdom to know that this is NOT the time to forget Him.  We are in perilous times and things will not continue to be rosy in our country.  We are witnessing unprecedented times, unlike any in history that will soon rock us to our very core.  Wake up; you're sleeping way too long and it is going to cost you more than you want to pay.  Put God first, honor Him as God and be grateful for all of His blessings in your life. 

Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God and follow other god's and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.  As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 8:19-20

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