Friday, November 28, 2014

No Whining Zone

It is amazing how much we complain when we are faced with uncomfortable circumstances.  We look at television and the movies and wonder why our lives are not like the lives of the people that we see portrayed on the screen. 

We watch movies and sitcoms of affluent people with all manner of character flaws, lack of spiritual knowledge and mental illness and yet still envy their lives because they have houses full of material goods, exciting jobs and money to buy whatever they want. 

Even if actors are the villains, they still have people cater to them because of their popularity or their vast wealth.  So the viewer is drawn into a false image that the comfortable life is the way to go and if we take a serious look at our not so perfect life, we feel as if we have been given a raw deal.  So we see Believers running after material things, money, titles and fame in the Church as well as in the world.  We want our comfortable life.

Leaders competing and slandering  other leaders in order to get more members to impress other leaders, thinking that this is the look of success.  Never mind that they only have 20 saved or mature members.   I am not criticizing  large churches or churches that grow by legitimate means, but those who use gimmicks to get people to join their churches.  What happens when they run out of gimmicks? 

Those with small ministries whine because they don't have the finances, the material things or the members of the larger Churches and the larger Churches whine about how tired they are because they are stretched too thin with 50 programs and ministries. 

Then there are the members who expect their leaders to function like superheroes?  Every leader need to rest, spend time with their families and spend much time with God and study, but some members complain because their Pastor or leader can't spend everyday on the phone with them or show up to every function they have, so they whine.

We want to be comfortable.  The more we have in this life the more we are loved by the masses and the more fame you have  the more followers you will have.  We begin to believe the lie that we are awesome and this is where the danger come into play.  Satan deceives us into thinking that we are great in our own eyes.  This is a trap and the danger zone.

We love the comforts of life with all the trappings. It is difficult to follow Christ and to suffer with Him being so comfortable.  Christ did not call us to be comfortable; rather He called us to take authority over the powers of darkness.  If we are being effective, we should feel the squeeze of the enemy.  Satan should be upset when we wake up in the morning because we are a threat to his kingdom.  We should make everyday count by ministering the Word to somebody.  Our praise should make him sweat and our worship to the true and living God should knock Him over.  When he strike at us, we should praise God even the more.  I have seen people sick and near death who are suffering give God praise to bless the hearers and disarm Satan.

We know we are targeted by the enemy because we preach the gospel and demonstrate the Kingdom of God.  We forgive instead of becoming bitter, we love instead of hating those who do evil to us.  We bless those who despitefully use us and do good to those who set out to hurt us.  We pray for our enemies and never seek revenge on those who deserve it.  We love unconditionally.  No whining; just blessings.  We bless because we have been blessed to be a blessing.  We seek the wisdom of God instead of complaining about situations we don't understand, but understand this, you will be uncomfortable and you will suffer in this life; Jesus said you will.  He suffered and so will you.  You can suffer and be a blessing at the same time   Your faith and strength are a witness to those who are watching you in times of trials.

God did not allow the children of Israel over the age of 20, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, to cross over into the Promised Land because of 40 years of complaining.  God was sick and tired of their unbelief in His ability to care for them.  Complaining is a sure sign that we don't trust God to provide, care and protect us.   Can you fully trust God in your life?  If yes, then no more whining, just trust God.  Be exceedingly blessed.

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