Monday, March 2, 2015

Lay It Down

For our light affliction which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 
2 Cor.. 4:17

There is a song that was sung in my church with the lyrics; "glory, glory hallelujah, since I laid my burdens down," which is a fast paced, upbeat, hand clapping and foot stomping song that brought relief to the weary soul.  I remember watching the elderly whose lives had been difficult, just go up in the spirit as they gave their problems to the Lord.  They left church quite differently than they came in, knowing that they had laid their burden at the feet of Jesus.  The rest of the song is... I'm going home to live with Jesus, since I laid my burden down, burden down Lord, burden down Lord, since I laid my burden down.  I have no Idea why this song jumped up in my spirit tonight but, when it did, I began thinking of all the people who go to church every week and never give their burdens to God. 

Instead of entering into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise, many people enter into His gates with their problems and exit His courts with the same burdens they came in with.  There's a disconnect somewhere in their understanding of spiritually letting go of things and being free in Jesus.

Jesus is the Deliverer and His angels war on our behalf.  God is waiting on us to cast our cares upon Him, because He cares for us and loves us.  Why do we continue to carry a burden that God desires to lift off of our shoulders?  Let it go!!!!  This is what the old saints understood; give God your troubles and leave them with Him.  He may not remove your problem, but. He will give you a different perspective on how to handle it which will cause all worry or concern to cease. He will give you supernatural revelation to solve a natural problem. 

Don't stress yourself out over the issues of this life when you can access the throne room of God and lean on Him.  The Holy Spirit is our helper, guide and teacher.   Give God your burdens and let Him lighten your load.  Let God put that pep back into your step..

Remember, whatever the weight of the problem, it is a strong indication that the weight of the glory will be heavier.
God will give you double for your trouble in this realm and in the one to come.     You will reap the blessing and peace of God in this life and oh my goodness, we can't even imagine or fathom the exceeding glory that is being prepared for us in God's presence.

When your burdens get heavy, change the atmosphere of your home with praise.  Praise Him in advance because you know that God will deliver.  We serve an awesome God and He is eternal and so is His favor.

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