Tuesday, December 16, 2014

One Thing

The one thing I ask of the Lord  and the only thing I seek, is to stay close to the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of His character and to be able to talk with Him in His own Temple.
Psalms  28:4

In these difficult times of global unrest, I pray that every Believer revisit the Word to be able to stay focus on what our lives are really about.  No matter what we are called to do or what we are facing, we can miss the whole point of the very essence of our purpose if we fail to keep our minds on the one thing that really matters in life and that is to stay close to the Lord and seek His face and voice.  What a blessing it is to know Him personally.

We are hit daily with every manner of problems, issues and challenges,.  It sometimes feel like we are surrounded by storms, but be encouraged and remember that every tornado or hurricane has a vortex (center) and it is a quiet and still place.  It is in the center of the storm that we find our Beloved Christ.

It is in this place that we are reminded that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   There is no problem that can destroy us when our thoughts are fixed on the Lord and when we remind ourselves that we are covered and surrounded by God. 

You may be facing health problems, financial problems, marriage issues, defiant children, nosy neighbors, family issues, backstabbing friends or challenges on the job; remember that God stands above every problem that you can have.  Even when facing the death of a loved one or your own mortality and you feel alone, know that God (Emmanuel) is and always will be with you.

Your storm may be blowing full force, but remember that God speaks to your storm and says, "peace, be still."  In the midst of the most ferocious winds, God will bring stillness and peace to you.  He doesn't always  still the winds, but He will still you.  In the process of causing you to lie down besides the still waters, He restores your mind and outlook on things from the natural to the spiritual. 

Wind and water can be good, if it is a gentle breeze or a  quiet stream, but strong winds and a flood can be devastating.  The Holy Spirit is  symbolized as wind and water and He will use your situations to bring you to a place of greater revelations of God.  He will snatch the enemy's attack against you to build something beautiful deep within you.  We see more clearly after a storm and the skies are bluer than ever.   Our vision is clearer and we understand exactly why we had to go through.

When all is said and done, you receive a greater understanding of God's character and the transformation of our character to be like Him as we move from faith to faith and glory to glory.  This is the position that we seek, more of Him and know that there's only one thing that really matters and that is our relationship with God.  Seek God and do good for this is the whole matter of man.

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