Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Complete Joy in Christ

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
John 15:11 NIV

Joy Stealers
Early Morning Thoughts
Have you ever noticed that if you are not careful, that the first thoughts on your mind that are good may be sabotaged by negative thoughts? Your first thoughts may be wonderful as you reflect on God's goodness for allowing you to live another day and suddenly, a quick thought will come to your mind about something that someone said or did the day before that disturbed you. The enemy is on the prowl to steal your peace and disrupt your joy for the purpose of interrupting your time with God to move you into a place of offense.

The Telephone
The Phone can also be a joy stealer. When we set aside special time to spend with God, the telephone will almost surely ring. The best position to take is to ignore it or place it on silence. This is another attempt for the enemy to steal your joy and move you from a place of rhapody with God, to a place of being concerned about the cares of this world. Ignore the phone, if it's important, they will leave a message.

Social Networks
Facebook, twitter and emails can be a blessing depending on your "friend" list. If most of your friends are talking about the things of God, it can all be a blessing and if not, delete...delete...delete. Negative conversation will corrupt your soul to the very core. Word for the day...unfriend the ungodly.

Relationships that take too much energy to stay focused on positive conversation will steal your joy and peace as well. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone (spouse, family member, friend, church member or co-worker) where the moment you hear their voice you know that you are going nowhere fast with the conversation and that Satan is actually motivating the negativity to stop you from walking in peace and steal your joy? Let it go!!

Jesus stated that He would give us "perfect" peace if we keep our minds focused on Him. This is perfected, tried by fire peace that will not fail although the storms of life batters at our doors, the peace of God will remain in and with us. You can't fake the peace that comes from God for it has been placed within us by the precious Holy Spirit as a seed at the time of our conversion and has marinated and grown as we mature in our spiritual walk. The fruit of peace does not leave us as we continue to walk with Christ. I am not saying that we will never experience fear again, but I am saying that when fearful times come, we will be able to recoup quickly, because the peace that is within will bring back scriptures that will cause God's peace to spring up within us again.

Fear is a normal response to a sudden action that could potentially take our lives or disrupt our peace. If an 18 Wheeler tractor trailer crosses the yellow line moving in our direction and almost hit our vehicle or a tornado burrows down on your neighborhood, the normal person will experience fear, but we can recoup and be reminded of God's word in a split second that he can deliver us. The fear turns to pure praise as we thank Him for His deliverance.

The awesome reality of living in Christ is the assurance of walking in His peace and the fullness of His joy. Christ said that He came to bring peace to the lives of those who belong to Him. Christ is our peace and He will cause all things to work out for our good and for His glory. Our good is knowing that in the midst of turmoil, oppression, rejection, abandonment and evil that will come against us, that God will wrap us in His peace on the outside and His joy will bubble up from the inside. If you have ever been in a situation that has threatened your peace, our initial response is fear, but then at some point, we can feel the Spirit of Peace wrap around you and His joy overtake you. That is the Holy Spirit operating in us to fill us again and again. He wraps us in peace and joy as He assures our minds that God is with us. Joy does not depend on your circumstances, but on your position in Christ. I praise God that we dwell in His shadow and are filled with the fullness of His joy.

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